Report or Request

Select from the categories below to Report an issue or make a request. For issues that need to be resolved by other organisations please scroll to the bottom and review Report to other agencies

If you require Urgent or after-hours assistance from us, please call 03 5722 0888

If your request doesn't fit into a category above, please submit a general request below.

Make a general enquiry

Compliments, Complaints and Feedback


We welcome feedback on your experience, our processes, decisions, services and staff. We use feedback from you, positive or negative, to monitor and improve our service for the benefit of all of our customers.


Track an existing request

If you have already reported an issue or made a request, you can track the request by selecting the button below.

Track an existing request 

Report to other agencies

Before reporting an issue, ensure that the matter is the responsibility of Rural City of Wangaratta. See list below for issues that need to be resolved by other organisations. 

If you require Urgent or after-hours assistance from us, please call 03 5722 0888


Use Snap Send Solve to report an issue 

Did you know that you can report issues and provide feedback to Council quickly and easily Snap Send Solve? Download from the App store (Apple) or Play store (Android) below and it's as easy as Snap, Send, Solve! 

What is Snap Send Solve?

Snap Send Solve is a free app for your iPhone or Android device that lets you report issues and provide feedback to your local council in under 30 seconds.

How does it work?

Snap Send Solve determines your council using your smartphone’s GPS location.

Once your GPS location has been determined the server sends back all relevant council details, including contact information, location, and email contact.

You can use Snap Send Solve to report on issue such as: 

  • Animals
  • Damaged road/pavement
  • Litter
  • Parking
  • Street cleaning
  • Trees

What happens when you send a report?

All reports from Snap Send Solve are sent from the app using your email address.

Reports are received via email, registered into our system and followed up by relevant staff.

Watch the video below to find out more.

Download the App now on Apple and Android.

Requests can still be lodged by Creating a Customer Request, calling us on 03 5722 0888 or visiting our Customer Service team.