Customer Satisfaction Surveys are underway

On display until 15 September 2024, 11:59 PM

Each quarter, market research agency National Field Services asks our community members a series of questions. These questions form our 2024/25 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey, which the Department of Government Services coordinates on behalf of Victorian councils.

The survey measures the council on:

  • overall performance
  • value for money
  • community consultation
  • community decisions
  • sealed local roads
  • waste management
  • customer service and
  • overall council direction

In 2023/24, the Rural City of Wangaratta's overall index score was 61, slightly down year on year, but +7 higher than the overall State-Wide and Regional Centres average.

In line with previous years, in 2024/25, 400 community members will complete a 12-minute over-the-phone survey.

The next round of surveys will be conducted between Thursday, 29th August to Sunday, September 15th.

When National Field Services contact members of the community, they will:

  • never ask for people by name (they don’t have names)
  • always identify as National Field Services and introduce themselves by name (e.g. Mark from National Field Services)
  • always say how long the survey will take
  • call from a number with the prefix: (03) 9977
    nb: this is subject to change, but National Field Services will not call from a mobile number

Results will be shared in June 2025 and be featured in our annual report.