Community Grants

Each year our Community Grants support programs and projects that will develop and enhance the social, cultural and environmental experience of local residents, specifically projects that:

  • Encourage arts, cultural and heritage experiences in our community
  • Provide accessible and equitable services, spaces and programs
  • Encourage healthy behaviour and lifestyles
  • Support a resilient community
  • Improve engagement in the community

A total of $160,000 is available for projects, with a minimum of $20,000 of the above will be dedicated to community history, including rural community history boards and memorial information.  Community organisations are welcome to apply for up to $10,000, however funding for projects most commonly falls between $1000 and $6000.

The Community Grants Program for 2024/25 are open from 15 May - 2 July, and will be announced following the August Council Meeting


Guidelines and Application

The 2024/25 Community Grants guidelines are here: 

Community-Grants-guidelines-24-25.pdf(PDF, 352KB)

Community Grants Application



Applications need to be completed online at the above link. We have provided a pdf version of the application for your reference here:

Community_Grants_2024_-_2025-Application.pdf(PDF, 80KB)


Community Grant Info Sessions - to register for a chat with the Community Grants team about a project idea or future application, please email or call us on 5722 0888





Wed 29 May

Glenrowan Vintage Cafe


Thurs 30 May

Wangaratta Library


Mon 3 June

Hobbledehoy Café Whitfield


Wed 5 June

Milawa Bakery


Wed 5 June

Vine Hotel, North Wangaratta    


Thurs 6 June

Eldorado Tavern


Thurs 6 June

Wangaratta Library


Thurs 6 June

Wangaratta Library
