Council meetings

Council Meetings are where seven elected Councillors make decisions on behalf of the Rural City of Wangaratta community.

Meetings are held monthly, with the location rotating between the Wangaratta Government Centre and rural townships. Decision making is guided by Governance Rules.

Members of the community are invited to attend Council Meetings or watch online. Questions from the public are also welcome, these can either be submitted prior to the Council Meeting (recommended) or asked in-person at the meeting.

Watch live via Council’s YouTube channel or view a recording of the meeting here.

Questions can be submitted up until 10am on the day of the council meeting by submitting a customer request.


Council Meetings

Date (2024) Time  Venue
10 December  3pm  Wangaratta
Date (2025) Time Venue
25 February 6pm Wangaratta
25 March 6pm Murmungee
22 April 6pm Moyhu
27 May 3pm Wangaratta
24 June 3pm Wangaratta
22 July 3pm Wangaratta
26 August 3pm Wangaratta
23 September 6pm Glenrowan
28 October 6pm Tarrawingee
25 November 6pm Wangaratta
16 December 3pm Wangaratta