Campaign Donation Returns

Election candidates are required under Victorian law to provide campaign donation returns. All candidates in Victorian local government elections must submit a return within 40 days of election day (5 December 2024).

A campaign donation return is a record of donations or gifts, including in-kind support, during the donation period.

The return is supplied to candidates as a form, enabling candidates to fill in details of donations or gifts they have received above the $500 threshold, as applicable under section 306 of the Local Government Act 2020.

Candidates must also disclose if they have not received any donations or gifts.

Download the form here: Election-campaign-donation-return-form.pdf(PDF, 258KB)


Steps to complete


Step 1: Obtain the Form and Instructions 

 Download the Form: Download the Election-campaign-donation-return-form.pdf(PDF, 258KB) and read the accompanying instructions.

Review Instructions: Carefully read the instructions to ensure you understand the requirements for completing the form.


Step 2: Complete the CDR Form 

Provide Personal Information: Fill in your personal details as required, including your full name, address, and any other identifying information requested.


Declare All Donations:

Monetary Donations: List all monetary donations equal to or exceeding $500.

In-Kind Donations: Include any donations of goods or services equal to or exceeding $500.

Multiple Donations from One Source: If you received multiple donations from the same person or entity, and their combined value equals or exceeds $500, list them together.


No Donations Received:

If you received no donations, indicate this in the 'Details of Gifts' section by writing 'No disclosable gifts' or similar wording in the provided table.

Complete All Fields: Ensure that every section of the form is filled out accurately.

Sign the Declaration: Review the declaration statement and sign the form to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.


Step 3: Submit the CDR Form

Return the CDR form either by email to or to the front counter of the Council Offices.

Submit Before the Deadline:  Ensure that the form is submitted before the deadline, 5 December 



Step 4: Understand the Consequences of Non-Compliance

Legal Obligation: Submitting a CDR is a legal requirement for all candidates, regardless of whether they were elected or received any donations.

Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to submit the CDR, or providing false or misleading information, may result in prosecution and fines exceeding $11,090 (as of 1 July 2022). By following these steps, you will comply with the legal requirements for submitting your Candidate Donation Return form.