Soft Plastics

Due to the changes in the Red Cycle program, Council recommends that all soft plastics be placed in the general waste (red) bin.

Council accepts the following at its transfer stations

  • Clear translucent plastic bags and wrap
  • Non-coloured bubble wrap
  • Non-coloured pallet wrap 
  • Non coloured plastic bags and wrap with printing on it

Council does not accept the following at its transfer stations

  • Coloured and/or printed bags (Coles, Woolworths and ALDI bags for example)
  • Coloured plastic packaging, wraps and bags
  • Plastic bags with Aluminium lining (dog food bags)
  • Coloured plastic pallet wrap

Council continues to encourage residents to:

  • Avoid plastics that cannot be recycled if other alternatives exist.
  • Avoid products with excess or unnecessary plastic packaging.
  • Utilise reusable items such as water bottles, shopping bags and keep cups to minimise waste generation.

Residents are welcome to contact the Council waste team to discuss.

Supportive information
Single-use plastics ban resources | Victorian Government (