Glass Drop-Off Facilities

Glass Drop Off Facility .jpg

Council has recently introduced glass drop-off collection points at all Council transfer stations.

Why is this happening?

Victoria is introducing new glass only recycling services across the state.

Large investments are also being made into glass reprocessing facilities. This means glass manufacturers will be able to recycle twice as much glass to create new products.

Separating glass from other materials:

  • Reduces contamination (broken glass won't spoil paper, cardboard, and plastic recycling)
  • Ensures a cleaner pathway to recycling facilities
  • Allows recovery of more resources that get recycled in Victoria
  • Reduces use of virgin materials, making the most of limited natural resources
  • Makes the value of recyclables go up by $210 million every year by creating a cleaner stream

What is recycled glass used for?

Glass bottles (such as soft drink bottles) and jars (such as jam jars) can be recycled again and again through glass-to-glass recycling.

Glass-to-glass recycling is high value and the preferred use of this resource.


What do the glass drop-off points look like?

The drop-off collection points are specially designed modified purple collection bins. They are designed with separate compartments for different coloured glass. 

These bins and surrounding hardstands were commissioned with the assistance of funding from the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DECCA).


Where are they located?

The drop-off collection points are located at all four of Councils transfer stations: Wangaratta, Markwood, Moyhu and Eldorado.

Locations and opening times can be found here 


What does it cost?

Dropping off glass at our transfer stations is free of charge.


What type of glass is accepted?

  • Glass jars (empty, no lids)
  • Pasta sauce, jam, condiments etc
  • Glass bottles, including broken bottles (empty, no lids)
  • Wine bottles
  • Beer bottles
  • Spirit (alcohol) bottles
  • Olive oil and sauce bottles


What should I do before attending transfer stations?

  • Make sure all jars and bottles are empty and clean
  • Remove lids from all jars and bottles
  • Place metal lids in the yellow-lid recycling bin


Will glass be accepted in yellow (co-mingle) bins?

From 1 July 2023 residents that attend transfer stations will be encouraged not to place glass in yellow (co-mingle) bins, where possible council encourages residents to utilise this service to reduce the amount of glass in the yellow (co-mingle) bin at home.


Will there be any change in my kerbside collection?

Kerbside collections will not change.