Domestic Fill Material – Transfer Station

Residents undertaking domestic works requiring excavation of fill material have the potential to disturb contamination and cause impacts on public health, the environment and amenity. Residents have an obligation to assess the risks posed by material in-situ prior to excavation and transport.

The Rural City of Wangaratta (RCoW) Wangaratta Transfer Station can accept domestic quantities of fill material (maximum 1m3). However, acceptance is strictly conditional and can only be approved if information and evidence is supplied to the satisfaction of RCoW in advance of the proposed disposal.

Wangaratta Transfer Station is regulated by EPA guidelines in acceptance of materials and need to demonstrate evidence that stored materials do not pose a risk to public health, the environment and amenity.

Prior to transport all excavated material should be immediately assessed to determine:

  • Has the material come from a private residence?
  • Is the material consistent with local soil profile from point of excavation? (Does the fill material look similar too ‘undisturbed soil’ found in the same location)
  • Is the material free of physical contaminants? (Concrete, Gravels, Asphalt, Masonry, Waste)
  • Is the material free from chemical staining or discoloration?  (Chemicals or Oils)
  • Is the material free of odour?
  • Is the material in a non-saturated state?  

If the answer is ‘’No’ to any of the above questions Council strongly encourage landowners or commercial operators to contact local testing laboratories, geotechnical consultancies, or the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) for guidance on adequately managing associated risks prior to considering disposal.

Prior to arranging disposal of any material residents must complete the disposal form (below) Council will not accept any material that cannot be associated with an approved disposal application form. Please note the initial review of application and response may take 3 working and further information may be required, please ensure applications are made well in advance of scheduled works.