Bridges, Paths and Roads

Select from the categories below to make request or report relating to drainage, bridges, path or roads.
Green Street Bridge Detour
Report a drainage issue
Report issues on council land such as damages, maintenance, minor flooding or blockages to a drain.
Report it
Report a bridge issue
Report a bridge issue such as damage to a bridge, bridge maintenance, bridge drains or debris on a bridge, or make an enquiry about an existing bridge by using the button below.
Report now
Report a path issue
You can report path issues such as potholes, path damage, path maintenance or path incidents by using the button below.
Report now
Request path or street cleaning
To help keep our paths and streets clean and clear, submit a request using the button below.
Request now
Is it Vic Road's or a Council road?
If you want to report an issue with a road and aren't sure whether to report it to Vic Road's or Council, please see the information below to assist you when making your request.
Roads that are maintained by Vic Roads
We are not responsible for any road maintenance on the following roads:
Official Name |
Local Name/Locality |
Great Alpine Road |
Wangaratta-Yarrawonga Road |
- Reid Street, Wangaratta
- Rowan Street (Reid St to Green St), Wangaratta
- Green Street (Rowan St to Evans St), Wangaratta
- Evan Street (Green St to Evans St), Wangaratta
- Edwards Street, Wangaratta
Wangaratta-Whitfield Road |
- Warby Street (Ryley St to Roger St), Wangaratta
- Meldrum St (Roger St to Millard St), Wangaratta
- Millard Street (Millard St to Crisp St), Wangaratta
- Murdoch Road (Crisp St to Wenhams Lane), Wangaratta
- Byrne Street, Moyhu (through Moyhu Township)
- Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, Docker
- Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, Edi
- Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, King Valley
- Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, Moyhu
- Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, Oxley
- Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, Wangaratta
- Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, Whitfield
Mansfield-Whitfield Road |
- Mansfield-Whitfield Road, Myrrhee
- Mansfield-Whitfield Road, Tolmie
- Mansfield-Whitfield Road, Whitfield
- Mansfield-Whitfield Road, Whitlands
Greta Road |
- Greta Road (Hume Fwy to Ryley St/Tone Road)
- Greta Road (Hume Fwy to Snow Road)*
Wangaratta Road |
- Tone Road, Wangaratta
- Tone Road, Wangaratta South
- Murphy Street, Wangaratta
- Parfitt Road, Wangaratta
- Ryley Street, Wangaratta
- Bowser Road, Bowser
- Bowser Road, North Wangaratta
- Bowser Road, Wangaratta
- Glenrowan Road, Wangaratta South
Glenrowan Road* |
- Glenrowan Road (Gravel Pit Road to Southern Hume Fwy interchange)
Glenrowan-Myrtleford Road |
- Green Street, Oxley (through Oxley township)
- Snow Road, Laceby
- Snow Road, Markwood
- Snow Road, Milawa
- Snow Road, Oxley
- Snow Road, Wangaratta South
- Snow Road, Whorouly
- Snow Road, Whorouly East
Federation Way |
- Federation Way, Bowser
- Federation Way, Dockers Plains
Rutherglen-Springhurst Road |
- Rutherglen-Springhurst Road, Springhurst
The table above has been copied from the Rural City of Wangaratta Road Management Plan 2021-2025 on pages 33 and 34.
*These roads have been added to the above table since the Road Management Plan has been published
Please report any road issues to the above roads to Vic Road's:
There are several main roads that are managed by Vic Roads within the Rural City of Wangaratta shire. The map below displays Vic Road’s roads in yellow and our Rural City of Wangaratta roads in white.
Council road issues or requests
Report a road issue
You can report damage on local roads such as:
- Potholes
- Kerbs and gutters
- Rough surfaces
- Guardrails
- Signs and guideposts
- Road shoulder issues
- Drainage
- Road maintenance
You can also make a request regarding road improvements, road resealing or enquiries about the road register, using the form below.
Report now
Frequently asked questions
How can I get a Works within Road Reserve Permit?
A road reserve is the section of land between your property line and the road. If you plan to undertake works within a road reserve you'll need to get a permit. Works within the Road Reserve permits are triggered by activities such as; crossover works, landscaping of nature strips, tree removal and/or tree replacement, barricading around worksites and placement of skip bins on the road reserve. Select the button below to start the process.
Click here
There is a burst main! Where can I report this?
Before you report a leak or burst main, it's important to identify where the leak is coming from. North East Water is typically responsible for the meter and pipes from the street to the meter. If you spot a leaking or burst water main, report it on 1300 361 644, day or night, any day of the year.
There is a tree over the road, where can I report this?
If you require any tree maintenance such as trees affecting sight or vision on the road, a tree fallen across the road or tree pruning, please submit a request via the button below.
Report it
Where can I get more information about the bridge load limits within our shire?
We have over 300 bridges and major culvers in the region. Following extensive inspection, we have implemented load limits of 39 bridges for the safety of residents and visitors.
Ongoing bridge replacement and/or strengthening has reduced the number of load limited bridges in the municipality.
Select the button below to view the bridge limits within the shire.
View bridge load limits
If your request does not fit any of the above categories, submit a general request below.
General request