
We offer two programs for families and carers with young children.

Supported Playgroup:

We run 3 Supported Playgroup sessions for families who meet certain eligibility criteria as set by the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

These sessions are initiated and led by a trained facilitator 3 days a week during Victorian school terms and are free for families with children aged from birth to four years.

At supported playgroup you can seek out advice, find information about support and local services and extend your social network.




Intergenerational Playgroup:

Rangeview Nursing home. For families/carers and their children 0-2years.

Bringing the youngest and oldest members of our community together weekly for a sing along, story and play.





Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 

9:30am - 11:30am
Yarrunga Children’s Services Centre,

9:30am - 11:30am
Yarrunga Children’s Services Centre,

9:30am - 11:30am

Yarrunga Children’s Services Centre,  

10:45am -11:45am

Intergenerational Playgroup,
Rangeview Nursing Home, Wangaratta  


 Contact: Maternal Child Health 57217879 or email for enquiries and bookings.