Wildlife Wonders: Platypus & Rakali

RCOW-398 Platypus and Rakali Social Tile.jpg

Get to know our intriguing local water mammals the Platypus and Rakali with presentations from local experts, interactive displays and activities, family fun and a bbq.

Please bring your own water bottle, wear sturdy shoes and cover up to protect yourself from mosquitos.

If you've spotted Platypus or Rakali in our local waterways we'd love to hear about it and use the data to help understand where they are living. Email your sighting information including species, location, date and time to environment@wangaratta.vic.gov.au and we'll discuss local sightings at the event.

This is a joint event by Wangaratta Landcare Sustainability, North East Catchment Management Authority and Rural City of Wangaratta.

Free event. Bookings essential:




  • Friday, 03 May 2024 | 03:45 PM - 06:00 PM