If you are unable to pay your fine by the due date, you can apply to have it referred to Fines Victoria for a Payment Arrangement.
Fines Victoria will contact you to negotiate a payment schedule with flexible payment options.
To apply for a payment arrangement, you will need to submit an Application for Fines Victoria Payment Arrangement form(PDF, 137KB) to us before the infringement due date. You can do this either by:
- Online
- Email to council@wangaratta.vic.gov.au
- Post to PO Box 238 Wangaratta 3676
- In person at our Government Centre, 62 - 68 Ovens Street Wangaratta 3676
Please note, a Council Facilitated Payment Plan is also available for Concession Card Holders. Please contact our Customer Service Team for more information on 03 5722 0888.