The Grit and Resilience Program partnered with ARCVic and StandBy Support After Suicide to bring the following free training sessions to Wangaratta in May 2023.
safeTALK- Suicide alertness for everyone
3 May 2023 | 6.00pm-9:30pm | The Centre, Chisholm Street Wangaratta
Participants learnt how to become a suicide alert helper by applying the basic TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, KeepSafe).
Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die but are struggling with the pain in their lives. safeTALK-trained helpers can recognize these invitations and take action by connecting them with life-saving intervention resources.
safeTALK is a half day face to face workshop facilitated by ARCVic providing hands on skills practice that helps people feel confident so they can help others to stay alive.
Support Group Facilitation Training
24-25 May 2023 | 9.00am-5.00pm both days | The Centre, Chisholm Street, Wangaratta
Participants learnt to facilitate a support group.
Support Group Facilitator Training is a two day, face to face training program that will be facilitated by ARCVic using the Mutual Support Self-Help model. It will cover:
➢ Knowing and understanding the purpose of support groups
➢ Identifying expected outcomes for group members
➢ Establishing aims for each group meeting
➢ Knowing the facilitator’s responsibilities
➢ Practicing acquired facilitator skills
What Do I Say, What Do I Do
30 May 2023 | 6.00pm-9.30pm | The Centre, Chisholm Street, Wangaratta
Participants learnt how to support those bereaved or impacted by suicide. They will learn about different styles of grief, and ways to be supportive after someone has lost a loved one to suicide.
What Do I Say, What Do I Do is a face to face workshop that will increase your understanding of suicide bereavement and learn basic support skills facilitated by Standby Support After Suicide, Murray.