Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Grit and Resilience Program?

The priority of the Grit and Resilience Program is to identify and strengthen how Wangaratta communities build connections, support and pathways for inclusion.

How did the Program come about?

The Grit and Resilience Program came about after the Rural City of Wangaratta and community rallied in 2018 to address mental health and suicide in the municipality, please see Story of Grit and Resilience for more information.

 In 2023 the The Grit and Resilience Program transitioned to be funded through the Victorian State Government, based on recommendation 15 of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, as one of it's Social Inclusion Action Groups - SIAG.

Who runs the Program?

While delivered by the Rural City of Wangaratta, the Program is guided by a consortium of agencies and community partners who represent the diverse Wangaratta communities.   

What does the Program aim to do?

Taking the learnings from the successfully run initial four-year Grit and Resilience Program, the evolved Grit and Resilience Program brings together community and organisations to:

  • identify local needs, existing initiatives and gaps related to social connection and social inclusion in the local community
  • test and develop a range of funded initiatives that support community participation, inclusion, and connection. 

The Program recognises that social inclusion is vital in supporting and maintaining social connection efforts that strengthen individual and community mental health and wellbeing.

How long will the Program go for?

The importance of these Social Inclusion Action Groups is highly valued, which has lead to the continuous funding of the program.

Who is the Program for?

The Grit and Resilience Program is for the whole of the Rural City of Wangaratta.

How do I find out more?

Details about the Program are available on our web page. We also regularly post updates on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Social Inclusion Action Group Fact Sheet(PDF, 225KB) 

You can also contact the team by email or connect with us on Facebook and/or Instagram