Sport North East


Sport North East is a not for profit sporting organisation which supports sport and recreation clubs in building their capability to increase participation opportunities, develop equitable and inclusive practices, and help grow their capacity to provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.

Our aims are:

  1. Increasing the capability and capacity of sporting clubs to build a resilient and self-sustaining sport sector.
  2. Increasing equitable and inclusive participation opportunities in the region to improve the availability of sport and recreation for all people.
  3. To be the ‘go to’ resource for clubs, local government and other community stakeholders wanting sport and active recreation development.


  • Some services are free and some are for a fee.


  • Access for people with disabilities
  • Defibrillator on the premises
  • Close to public transport
  • Accessible parking
  • Free parking
  • Seating
  • Shade
  • Drinking fountains
  • Bike racks


17 Chisholm Street,  Wangaratta   View Map

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