Greta Valley Landcare Group
We were proudly established in February 1992, making us one of the longest running Landcare Groups in North East Victoria.
Grant funding varies from year to year, but typically the group is able to offer members assistance to protect remnant vegetation, fence paddock trees, undertake revegetation and control pest plants and animals.
The Group has a range of equipment available for hire to members at subsidised rates. Members are able to access information and advice on various aspects of natural resource management through our Project Officer. The group also issues regular newsletters, holds general meetings with guest speakers and conducts field days and workshops on various topics of interest.
The Greta Valley Landcare Group welcomes all residents, irrespective of whether they have a residential block, a lifestyle property or a farm and offers the opportunity to learn more about caring for our land and assistance to actually do it. We are an inclusive and enthusiastic group of over 180 members, keen to make a difference to our environment and farm productivity in our catchment.
We are always looking for volunteers, please get in touch if you are interested.
- Everyone is welcome to participate in our events and workshops at no cost.
- We encourage all local landholders to join and support our group at a cost of $33/year.
- If local landholders wish to receive grant funding for projects, they must be a member.
More information about becoming a member can be found on our website at Please contact the Secretary for all enquiries.