Youth Council 2023
Published on 08 February 2023
Our future is in great hands! Rural City of Wangaratta’s 2023 Youth Council has convened with young people from across the municipality bringing their energy and ideas to the table.
The ten-member strong 2023 Youth Council will work together on issues affecting local youth, help organise community events, and will provide a voice to young people in our community.
Youth Council also has a role in providing input into Council decisions, and there is already much work underway.
“We have projects in discussion already,” said Youth Councillor Louis Pye.
“We see an opportunity for a Youth Art Gallery, we are in an arts-oriented community and want to take advantage of this, especially with so many young passionate and capable artists locally,” said Louis.
Some members have already been active advocates within the community.
Youth Councillor Turner Pearson was instrumental in drawing, circulating, and presenting a petition for a local BMX track to Council.
“I’ve joined the Youth Council to learn about structure, make change, express views and discuss thoughts,” said Turner.
Similarly, Youth Councillor Finn Vogels said he joined to speak up.
“Making change, representing young citizens of our area and advocating for those who can’t necessarily use their own voice is important.”
“We want to make a better future,” said Finn.
Youth Councillor Harrison Allen is looking forward to working with the community and developing events.
Youth Councillor Lucy Sinclair is specific in the reasons she has joined the Council, “It provides great opportunities, and it is important Wangaratta’s youth have a voice,” a sentiment echoed by fellow Youth Councillor Lanie Evans who is looking forward to the opportunities the role will bring.
This year’s cohort of Youth Councillors will gain experience and develop skills by participating in leadership forums and self-development activities, an undertaking Youth Councillor Bailey Jenkin is looking forward to.
Youth Councillor Lucas Eaton decided to join as it offered a new experience, and it gives him a chance to have input into the region he likes and cares about.
The Youth Councillors are keen and ready to not only hone their interpersonal and leadership skills but to provide a strong voice to youth across the municipality.
Youth Councillor Ed Browne expressed the importance of this voice, “We want to be involved and have a say in what is happening and what decisions are made as these will affect us into the future”.
Photo caption: 2023 Youth Council are off to a great start: Front L to R: Lucy Sinclair, Louis Pye, Ed Browne, Lanie Evans. Back L to R: Lucas Eaton, Bailey Jenkin, Finn Vogels, Turner Pearson, Harrison Allen (absent, Andrei Lestino)