The Folk, Rhythm & Life Festival Update

Published on 21 November 2023

The Folk, Rhythm & Life Festival Update.png

The Folk, Rhythm & Life Festival has a long and successful history in Eldorado and Council acknowledges its importance to the community and the passionate support the event engenders.

Council’s announcement last week that the 2023 Folk, Rhythm and Life Festival was not approved was not a decision made lightly. The planning permit requires new documentation to be submitted and approved prior to every event. Documentation considered to date has not addressed the risks identified by emergency management authorities including the CFA and Victoria Police. Authorities also advised that there is insufficient time remaining to consider amended documentation and test emergency arrangements.

Director of Sustainability and Culture, Stephen Swart said “Council recognises that events are a key driver of tourism and provide an economic benefit to the Rural City of Wangaratta. Whilst we know the Folk, Rhythm & Life Festival not going ahead this year will be disappointing, we encourage the event organisers to continue to work with us and other authorities to consider how events can be supported in future years”. 


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