Empowering Women & Girls to Get Active

Published on 22 August 2024

Author Visits - Kylie Orr and Amanda Hampson (8).png


The Rural City of Wangaratta invites community members to take part in a survey about opportunities for women and girls to stay physically active. Supported by VicHealth Local Government Partnership (VLGP) funding, the project will assist in addressing barriers and maximise opportunities for active participation across the region.


Targeting women and girls, including mothers and carers, will foster a culture of active living that extends to the entire community. Research shows that parental and caregiver habits strongly influence children's behaviour. Increasing their participation promotes healthier habits across generations, benefiting the broader community.


Community engagement through this survey aims to capture insights into opportunities and barriers for active participation in the region. Council will analyse survey feedback and share key learnings with the respondents. The survey will also help to determine what immediate assistance can be provided to fitness centres, sporting clubs, community clubs and church groups to get more women and girls active.


Council plan to connect individuals with existing activities and share these with the wider community via Council's website. The feedback will also assist with establishing partnerships between Council and local clubs and facilities, to ensure ongoing support for active lifestyles.


"This survey is part of our commitment to promoting community well-being. We want to hear about all sorts of activities, from people involved in informal pram walking groups, through to sporting clubs who want to get more women and girls involved.” Said Marcus Goonan, Director Community & Infrastructure.


“The information collected will enable us to create a resource of organised and informal activities that we can share community wide.” He continued.


Take part in the survey.




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