Draft Roadside Conservation Management Plan
Published on 24 November 2021
Council is seeking feedback on its Draft Roadside Conservation Management Plan 2021.
The purpose of the Draft Roadside Conservation Management Plan is to provide a balanced approach to the protection and sustainable management of environmental and cultural heritage values on roadsides in the Rural City of Wangaratta, while meeting key functional and fire prevention requirements.
Submissions are invited on the Draft Roadside Conservation Management Plan 2021 and must be received by close of business on Friday 28 January 2022.
Where do I view the draft plan?
Download a copy of the plan via the link in the 'Related Information' at the bottom of this webpage.
Pick up a physical copy of the document from the Wangaratta Government Centre.
How do I make my written submission?
Any person affected by the proposals may make a written submission relating to the draft document. Submissions will be received up to close of business on Friday 28 January 2022.
As part of a written submission, a person may also request to be heard by a Committee of Council in support of their submission, prior to Council considering the proposal. Submitters will be notified before the relevant meeting date.
By Email: environment@wangaratta.vic.gov.au. Please include “Draft Roadside Conservation Management Plan” in the subject line.
Mail: PO Box 238, Wangaratta VIC 3676. Please include “Draft Roadside Conservation Management Plan” as the reference.
In Person: To Customer Services, Wangaratta Government Centre – Corner Ford and Ovens Street, Wangaratta. Please include “Draft Roadside Conservation Management Plan” as the reference to your submission.