Low Density and Rural Residential Strategy
Additional Investigations Report - Wangaratta - Update - Status Feb 2024
Council has received a number of submissions to the the draft additional investigations report following the community consultation period in late 2023. These submissions are being considered by Council staff and will be reported to a future Council meeting for consideration by Council. All submitters will be notified prior to the matter being reported to Council.
Additional Investigations Report - Wangaratta
The Low Density and Rural Residential Strategy was presented to Council in December 2021. At this meeting Council resolved to adopt the Strategy with the exception of those parts that apply to the Town of Wangaratta. Council resolved that additional investigations should be undertaken into alternative areas around urban Wangaratta. These investigations have been undertaken and draft report has been prepared and outlines the following:
- Additional investigations into alternative areas for Low Density (LDRZ) and Rural Living (RLZ) around urban Wangaratta.
- A comparison against the previously recommended areas for rezoning (W-1C Northwest & South) and a final vision and direction.
- Investigations into other planning matters impacting on Low Density and Rural Living Zones & the precinct areas including land zoned Mixed Use Zone on Tone Road.
The report & Appendices can be downloaded in the links below:
Summary Report: LDRR-Wang-Summary-Report-Consultation.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Full Report: LDRR-Wang-Full-Report-Consultation.pdf(PDF, 4MB)
Appendices: Draft-LDRR-Wang-Appendices.pdf(PDF, 10MB)
Community Consultation:
The official period of community consultation has concluded, however if you have any questions, the Strategic Planning team are happy to discuss the draft report further with you.
Our contact details are listed below and if you would like we can arrange a designated appointment to ensure our availability.
Phone: 5722 0888.
Email: strategicplanning@wangaratta.vic.gov.au
In Person: Planning Counter – Wangaratta Government Centre – Cnr Ovens and Ford Street, Wangaratta.
Frequently Answered Questions:
We have developed the following list of questions and answers that we believe may assist the community in understanding the process and aspects of the draft report.
Next steps in process
The flow chart below outlines the planned steps for the draft report. Step 1 in the process has concluded and the draft report is in the process of moving to Step 2.

How and when will land be rezoned?
Land can only be rezoned through a Planning Scheme Amendment process that is governed by the Minister for Planning. This current consultation process is just related to the Draft Report which outlines recommendations for the rezoning of land, application of overlays and additional investigations. Any rezoning’s will be a future process that only occurs following any adoption of the draft report by Council and may be subject to some additional work. Indicative timings for this are contained within the report at Section 7. Future planning scheme amendments will also be subject to a public exhibition process that is governed by the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
If my land is rezoned to Rural Living or Low Density – will I be forced to develop and subdivide my land?
No – The choice to undertake subdivision of your land, is your choice. The rezoning of the land will enable and guide future subdivision but will not force landowners to subdivide their land.
Mixed Use Zone Precinct – Tone Road
Why is Council considering rezoning the Mixed Use Zone Precinct on Tone Road to Industrial 3 Zone?
This precinct is proposed to be rezoned to enable the following:
- Facilitate the potential use of this precinct and vacant land within.
- Provide a transition between Industrial 1 Zoned land (West) and Low Density Zoned land (East). And;
- Limit the establishment of sensitive uses (residential uses, child care centre, kindergarten, pre-school centre and primary school) within the precinct.
Existing houses remain however, new housing is prohibited. Please contact Councils Strategic Planning Department for further information.
Municipal Rates - Will my rates rise if my land is rezoned?
Rezoning of land may result in a change to the rates that apply to land and is influenced by the property type and the capital improved value. Capital Improved Values of properties are assessed external to Council by the Valuer-General Victoria. If you have further questions about rates and your property, please contact Councils Rates department to discuss your individual circumstances.
Windfall Gains Tax (WGT) – State Revenue Office
The Windfall Gains Tax (WGT) is a State Government Tax that was introduced in June 2023 and applies to all land rezoned that results in a value uplift to the land of more than $100,000. The tax is calculated following approval of the rezoning into a planning scheme by the Minister for Planning.
If you own land that is within a precinct that is recommended for rezoning and require further information on the impacts of the WGT, you are advised to contact the State Revenue Office (SRO) directly. The SRO are the best qualified to provide advise on the implications and possible exemptions that exist.
State Revenue Office (website):Windfall Gains Tax
Wangaratta Freight and Land Use Strategy
The precinct recommendation maps display a ‘Potential Freight by-pass Route’ (options), this route including all options are outlined within the Wangaratta Freight and Land Use Strategy 2016. Any decision on an ultimate route is subject to further investigations that are being undertaken by Councils Infrastructure Department, prior to any community consultation and consideration by Council. Therefore, all of the options are nominated as possibilities and the design of future precincts must consider these routes as possible interfaces and respond appropriately.
Draft Planning Scheme Amendment C83
The adopted parts of the Strategy (2021) have been drafted into a planning scheme amendment that is currently with the Department of Transport and Planning to commence the amendment process. This draft amendment is designed to implement the recommendations relating to the townships of Glenrowan, Milawa and Oxley as outlined in the partially adopted version of the Strategy found here: RCOW-LDRR-Strategy-Dec-2021.pdf(PDF, 43MB)
When permission is granted (Authorisation) to proceed the amendment will begin a formal period of public exhibition and the community and affected landowners will be notified.