Salisbury Street Road Reconstruction

Salisbury Street Works _ Oct 2024.png

Rural City of Wangaratta has engaged Wangaratta Excavation to undertake reconstruction works. Works involve the reconstruction of road pavement, concrete kerb and channel, concrete driveways, concrete pram ramp, footpath installation, asphalt paving and drainage works. The site of the works is on Salisbury Street between Burke Street and Cribbes Road.

This project is co funded by the Roads to Recovery Program and Rural City of Wangaratta.

Works commenced on  Monday 28 October.  As of 20 December 2024 works are 90% complete. The site will remain closed over Christmas and New Year until contractors return to the site on 7 January 2025.  When contractors return to the site they will work on the western side of Salisbury street to replace the pavement.  Once works on the pavement are complete on both sides the road will be asphalted.  Works are expected to be completed by end of January 2025.

Photos before works commenced: 

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Progress Photos November 2024:

Salisbury street 1..jpgSalisbury street 2..jpg

IMG_2975.jpeg  IMG_2977.jpg