Prosecco Road

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The Rural City of Wangaratta has successfully received $4M in funding from the Victorian Government, as part of the King Valley Prosecco Road Revitalisation Project. The project will deliver key outcomes identified by the community as a part of the Rural Placemaking Program.

King Valley Prosecco Road Gateway Entrance Public Art Project Delivery



The Prosecco Road Public Art Project aims to commission the delivery of iconic public art or sculptural works that will help to create a distinctive sense of arrival to the King Valley region.

The Rural City of Wangaratta is excited to release render images(PDF, 2MB) of the much anticipated large-scale sculpture commissioned by Victorian-based artist Alexander Knox. The artwork titled Bubbles in the landscape was commissioned by the Rural City as part of the King Valley Prosecco Road Public Art Project. The iconic sculpture aims to create a distinctive sense of arrival to the King Valley region.

The artwork is to be positioned at the Oxley township entrance on the intersection of the Snow Road and Wangaratta-Whitfield Road.

  • This project has been awarded to Alexander Knox to Design and Install the Artwork.
  • Meet and Greet – Council invites the Oxley and surrounding community to meet the artist behind this significant artwork commissioned by the Rural City of Wangaratta.
  • Project is anticipated to be complete by June 2024. 
Supporting Documents: 

Prosecco-Road-Public-Art-Commission-Images.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Oxley-Public-Art-Prosecco-Road-Bubbles-in-the-landscape.pdf(PDF, 171KB)
Location-Map-of-Oxley-Commission-artwork.pdf(PDF, 3MB)


Township Enhancements at Whitfield & Cheshunt

IMG_20230321_123558.jpg Project overview:

This project will deliver township improvements to provide much needed upgrades to the streetscapes of both Whitfield and Cheshunt, including drainage, parking, landscape improvements, shared paths for pedestrians and cyclist to provide a safer and more pleasant environment.

Project Status Whitfield & Cheshunt:

The Whitfield & Cheshunt streetscape works have been successfully completed.

Whitfield Streetscape Photos:

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IMG_20230327_143730.jpgMicrosoftTeams-image (5).png

 Cheshunt Streetscape Photos:






Prosecco Road Trail

Project Status:

  • Project is currently delayed due to cultural heritage assessment, environmental assessment and requested design changes by the road authority.
  • Council has been actively incorporating modifications based on feedback received from Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), Hume Region, which serves as the Road Management Authority for Wangaratta-Whitfield Road.
  • The Designs are currently being finalised.
Check out the proposed Bicycle Trail below:

Prosecco-Bicycle-Trail-Proposed-Alignment.pdf(PDF, 48MB)

Part-B-Chrismont-Cheshunt.pdf(PDF, 11MB)

Part-C-Cheshunt-Whitfield.pdf(PDF, 24MB)

Part-D-Whitfield-Peiper.pdf(PDF, 14MB)

Part-E-Peiper-Jarrot.pdf(PDF, 8MB)

Part-F-Jarrot-King-Valley.pdf(PDF, 14MB)

Part-G-King-Valley-Hyem.pdf(PDF, 16MB)

Part-H-I-Hyem-Edi.pdf(PDF, 26MB)

Part-J-Gentle-Annie-Lane.pdf(PDF, 6MB)

Whitfield Adventure Playspace & Visitor Hub

Project overview:

The project will deliver a regionally significant playground and visitor information hub that captures the natural environmental elements, and the needs of the surrounding community and surrounding tourists. The space will be interactive and deliver much needed upgrades to the site amenities, including toilets and picnic seating. 

Project Status:

  • The Design and Construct Contract was awarded at the July Council Meeting to Enviro Culture Services.

  • Community Consultation on the design was held on 20 September 2022.

  • A copy of the playground design incorporating the community’s feedback can be found below.

Whitfield-Reserve-ECS-Community.pdf(PDF, 10MB)

Update (March  2024):

  • Construction works are now complete and the Adventure Playground & Visitor Hub is now open to the public.
  • Septic Tank upgrades still to be completed.

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How can I stay involved?

Register your interest with Council to receive email updates on the projects, including upcoming community meetings.

To register either:

If you require any further details, please contact:

Marcus Goonan

Director Infrastructure Services

0418 999 025 /