If you want to camp on land that isn't designated for camping, you will need to get a Camping Permit. This includes camping as part of an event.
A Camping Permit costs $24.00 per day.
Overnight camping for event staff and contractors
If your event requires staff or contractors to stay on site to supervise facilities or equipment, you need to ensure the appropriate facilities are available. These include toilets, washing and laundry facilities, and rubbish removal.
Camping for event attendees
If you wish to establish a temporary campground for attendees, there are a number of additional things to consider including:
- Hire of toilets, washing and laundry facilities
- Traffic management
- Noise impacts
- Rubbish and waste water removal
- Emergency Plan if the site is located in a bushfire or flood overlay
- Risk Management Plan
We strongly recommend you speak to our Events Team about your camping requirements prior to submitting your application.