Regional Certifying Body (SESR subclass 494)
As a Regional Certifying Body (RCB), the Rural City of Wangaratta provides advice to the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) on the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494) (SESR visa) in the Employer Sponsored (ES) stream. Rural City of Wangaratta provides advice on applications with positions nominated in the following regions/LGA's:
- Rural City of Wangaratta
- City of Wodonga
- Benalla Rural City
- Alpine Shire
- Towong Shire
- Mansfield Shire
- Indigo Shire
We're here to help
The RCB’s role is to provide advice to Home Affairs on the SESR - ES applications, using local area knowledge to advise on whether the nominee for the position will be paid at least the Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR) for the occupation.
ES stream nominations must be accompanied by advice from an RCB; however, this advice can be provided before or after lodgement of the ES stream nomination application with Home Affairs.
RCBs must provide their assessment advice to Home Affairs within 28 days of receipt of the request. RCB advice is valid for 3 months from the date of issue
Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (SESR) Provisional Visa
The Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494) (SESR visa) enables Australian employers in designated regional areas to nominate skilled overseas workers. The SESR is to assist employers in regional and low population growth areas of Australia where they have been unable to fill vacant positions with Australian citizens or permanent residents living in or wishing to move to the regional area where the nominated position is located.
When an employer decides to nominate a skilled overseas worker for a SESR visa in the Employer Sponsored (ES) stream, the nomination must be accompanied by advice completed by a relevant Regional Certifying Body (RCB). The RCB must have responsibility for the area where the nominated position is located. RCBs provide advice to the Department regarding the Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR) for the occupation.
More information about the SESR visa here.
Regional Certification offers role is to inspect and confirm the role meets or exceeds Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR).
There is a market salary rate framework for the SESR visa program. As a result, where the overseas skilled worker will be paid less than AUD250,000, nominators need to demonstrate that:
- they have determined the AMSR
- the overseas skilled worker will not be paid less than this amount (i.e. less than what an Australian worker would be paid)
- both the AMSR and what the overseas skilled worker will be paid, excluding any non-monetary benefits in both cases, must be no less than the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) – i.e. currently AUD73,150.
Further information on salary and employment condition requirements for sponsored skilled visas, including determining the AMSR, can be found here.
The Regional Certification fee is $570.00. Fees are non-refundable.